• +1(301)875-7144
  • info@msandtinc.com
  • Upper Marlboro, MD



We’ve been recognized numerous times for delivering outstanding service and designing custom solutions for our clients. When you hire Matrix Systems you’re ensured superior quality.

CVS Ruby Award

Matrix Systems and Technologies participated in an Executive Learning Series Program sponsored by CVS and Roger Williams University.  

This program included:

  1. An intensive curriculum designed to expand your capacity, skill level and growth potential in critical areas in both classroom and online forums.
  2. Practical experience, including an opportunity to respond to a sample Request for Proposal.
  3. Support for introductions and relationship building with CVS Health procurement professionals.
  4. The opportunity to join peers in a mutually supportive and lasting network.

Best Emerging Technology Company Award from the Maryland Indian Business Round Table

Matrix Systems & Technologies, Inc. was recognized by the Maryland Indian Business Round Table (MIBRT) winning the “Best Emerging Technology Company.” This award was in recognition of outstanding support to the community in information technology hardware and software solutions.

Outstanding performance by the Internal Revenue Service

Matrix Systems and Technologies was awarded for our significant and broad ranging contributions to the optimization and evolution.

Top 100 Diversity Owned Businesses in Maryland

Matrix Systems & Technologies, Inc. was awarded Top 100 Diversity Owned Businesses in Maryland.  This award is in recognition of Matrix Systems and Technologies’ outstanding achievements and contributions to the communities it serves, while embracing different cultures, backgrounds and ethnicities to promote excellence in the information technology industry.

Top 500 African American Owned Businesses in the U.S

Matrix Systems & Technologies, Inc. was awarded Top 500 African American Owned Businesses in the U.S.  Matrix Systems and Technologies’ is a multi-year recipient of this coveted award which recognizes African American Businesses for their stellar achievements and commitment to the communities they serve.

Top Business recipient by DiversityBusiness.com

Matrix Systems and Technologies was awarded Top Business recipient. Matrix Systems and Technologies is one of the leading entrepreneurs in the United States and are most deserving of this award and recognition.  This award reflects an annual “Top Business List” which receives over 20 million viewers annually. Companies listed as a top business recipient represent the nation’s top companies and challenge the long-held notion that privately-held businesses are small or insignificant.

Best of Upper Marlboro Award for Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)

Matrix Systems & Technologies, Inc. was selected for the Best of Upper Marlboro Award in the Independent Verification and Validation category by the Upper Marlboro Award Program. The Upper Marlboro Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Upper Marlboro area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

Small Cap Award Best IT & Engineering Small Business

Matrix Systems & Technologies Inc has been crowned: Best IT and Engineering Small Business – Maryland & Most Innovative Engineering Support & Analysis Services.

Washington Award

Matrix Technologies has been selected for the Best of Washington Award in the Cable Television & Satellite category by the Washington Award Program. The Washington Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Washington area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.